Common Adverbs: Already, Just, Still, and Yet
Adverbios Comunes:Already, Just, Still, and Yet en Inglés

1. "Already"


The adverb "already" is used to indicate that something has occurred before the present moment or earlier than expected. It is commonly used in affirmative sentences and questions.
El adverbio "Already" es usado para indicar que algo a ocurrido antes del momento presente o mas temprano de lo esperado. Es comunmente usado en oraciones afirmativas y preguntas


  • To indicate that an action has occurred earlier than expected:
    Para indicar una accion que ah ocurrido mas temprano de lo esperado

    Example: I have already eaten lunch.

    (Ya he almorzado.)

  • In questions to express surprise about something that has already happened:
    En preguntas que expresan sorpresa sobre algo que ya ah pasado

    Example: Have you already finished your homework?

    (¿Ya has terminado tu tarea?)

  • In negative sentences to emphasize that something hasn't happened yet (although this is less common):
    En oraciones negativas para enfatizar que algo no ah pasado aún(aunque esto es menos común)

    Example: I haven't already seen that movie.

    (No he visto esa película ya.)

2. "Just"


The adverb "just" is used to refer to something that has occurred recently or a short time ago. It can also mean "exactly" or "only".
El adverbio "just" es usado para referirse a algo que a ocurrido recientemente o hace poco tiempo. También puede significar "exactamente" o "solo"


  • To indicate that an action occurred a short time ago:
    Para indicar que una accion a ocurrido hace poco tiempo

    Example: I just finished my homework.

    (Acabo de terminar mi tarea.)

  • To emphasize the immediacy of an action:
    Para enfatizar la inmediación de una accion

    Example: She is just leaving the house now.

    (Ella está saliendo de la casa ahora mismo.)

  • To express "exactly" or "only" in other contexts:
    Para expresar "exactamente" o "only" en otros contextos

    Example: This is just what I needed!

    (¡Esto es exactamente lo que necesitaba!)

3. "Still"


The adverb "still" is used to indicate that an action or situation continues in the present, despite having started in the past.
El adverbio "still" es usado para indicar que una accion o situación continua en el presente


  • To show that something continues to be true or is happening in the present:
    Para demostrar que algo sigue siendo cierto o esta pasando en el presente

    Example: I am still waiting for the bus.

    (Todavía estoy esperando el autobús.)

  • In questions to ask if something continues to be true or is happening:
    En preguntas para preguntas si algo sigue siendo cierto o esta pasando

    Example: Are you still working here?

    (¿Todavía trabajas aquí?)

  • In negative sentences to emphasize that something hasn't changed until now:
    En oraciones negativas para enfatizar que algo aún no ha cambiado ahora

    Example: He still hasn't called me.

    (Él todavía no me ha llamado.)

4. "Yet"


The adverb "yet" is primarily used in negative sentences and questions to refer to something that hasn't occurred up to the present moment, but is expected to occur
El adverbio "yet" is primeramente usado en oraciones negativas y preguntas para referirse a algo que no ha ocurrido en el momento presente, pero se espera que ocurra


  • In questions to ask if something has occurred up to now:
    En preguntas para preguntar si algo a ocurrido hasta ahora

    Example: Have you finished your homework yet?

    (¿Has terminado tu tarea ya?)

  • In negative sentences to indicate that something hasn't happened up to the present moment, but is expected to happen:
    En oraciones negativas para indicar que algo no ha pasado hasta el momento presente, pero se espera que pase

    Example: I haven't received the package yet.

    (No he recibido el paquete todavía.)

  • Sometimes used in affirmative sentences with a meaning similar to "however", although this is less common compared to its negative and interrogative use:
    A veces usado en oraciones afirmativas con un significado similar a "however", aunque esto es menos comun comparado a su uso negativo e interrogativo

    Example: It was late, yet they decided to go out anyway.

    (Era tarde, sin embargo decidieron salir de todos modos.)

Comparison Summary

AdverbMain UseExampleTranslation
AlreadyIndicates that something has occurred earlier than expectedI have already eaten lunch.Ya he almorzado
JustIndicates that something occurred a short time agoI just finished my homework.Acabo de terminar mi tarea
StillIndicates continuity from the past to the presentI am still waiting for the bus.Todavía estoy esperando el autobús
YetUsed in questions and negatives to refer to something that hasn't occurred up to nowHave you finished your homework yet?¿Has terminado tu tarea ya?