Present Perfect Continuous Tense Tiempo Presente Perfecto Continuo en Inglés
1. Structure of Present Perfect Continuous(Estructura del Presente Perfecto Continuo)
The present perfect continuous is formed using the following structure:(El presente perfecto continuo se forma utilizando la siguiente estructura:)
Subject + have/has + been + verb-ing(Sujeto + have/has + been + verbo-ando/iendo)
- Use "have" with subjects "I", "you", "we", and "they". (Usa "have" con los sujetos "I", "you", "we" y "they".)
- Use "has" with subjects "he", "she", and "it". (Usa "has" con los sujetos "he", "she" e "it".)
(Ejemplo:)I have been studying for three hours.(He estado estudiando durante tres horas.)
2. Uses of Present Perfect Continuous(Usos del Presente Perfecto Continuo)
2.1. Actions that Started in the Past and Continue to the Present(Acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente)
Used to emphasize the duration of an action that began in the past and is still occurring.(Se usa para enfatizar la duración de una acción que comenzó en el pasado y aún está ocurriendo.)
She has been working at this company since 2015.(Ella ha estado trabajando en esta empresa desde 2015.)
2.2. Recent Actions with Present Relevance(Acciones recientes con relevancia en el presente)
Used to describe actions that have occurred recently and whose effects are visible or relevant now.(Se usa para describir acciones que han ocurrido recientemente y cuyos efectos son visibles o relevantes ahora.)
They have been playing soccer, so they are tired now.(Han estado jugando al fútbol, así que están cansados ahora.)
2.3. Emphasizing the Duration of an Action(Enfatizando la duración de una acción)
This tense is used to emphasize how long an action has been occurring.(Este tiempo se usa para enfatizar cuánto tiempo ha estado ocurriendo una acción.)
I have been waiting for you for over an hour!(¡He estado esperándote durante más de una hora!)
3. Negative and Interrogative Forms(Formas Negativa e Interrogativa)
3.1. Negative Form(Forma Negativa)
To form the negative, simply add "not" after "have" or "has".(Para formar la negativa, simplemente agrega "not" después de "have" o "has".)
Subject + have/has + not + been + verb-ing(Sujeto + have/has + not + been + verbo-ando/iendo)
He has not been feeling well lately.(Él no se ha estado sintiendo bien últimamente.)
3.2. Interrogative Form(Forma Interrogativa)
To form questions, invert the order of the subject and the auxiliary ("have" or "has").(Para formar preguntas, invierte el orden del sujeto y el auxiliar ("have" o "has").)
Have/Has + subject + been + verb-ing?(Have/Has + sujeto + been + verbo-ando/iendo?)
Have you been studying for the exam?(¿Has estado estudiando para el examen?)
4. Key Words Associated(Palabras Clave Asociadas)
Some key words often accompany the present perfect continuous, indicating duration or specific time:(Algunas palabras clave a menudo acompañan al presente perfecto continuo, indicando duración o tiempo específico:)
- Since: desde
- For: durante
- Lately: últimamente
- Recently: recientemente
- All day/week/month/year: todo el día/semana/mes/año
I have been exercising regularly since January.(He estado haciendo ejercicio regularmente desde enero.)
She has been reading that book for two weeks now.(Ella ha estado leyendo ese libro durante dos semanas ya.)
5. Differences with Other Tenses(Diferencias con Otros Tiempos Verbales)
It's important to distinguish between the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous.(Es importante distinguir entre el presente perfecto simple y el presente perfecto continuo.)
Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous(Presente Perfecto Simple vs Presente Perfecto Continuo)
Present Perfect Simple:(Presente Perfecto Simple:)
- Focuses on the completion of the action.(Se enfoca en la finalización de la acción.)
I have finished my homework.(He terminado mi tarea.)
Present Perfect Continuous:(Presente Perfecto Continuo:)
- Focuses on the duration or continuity of the action.(Se enfoca en la duración o continuidad de la acción.)
I have been finishing my homework for two hours.(He estado terminando mi tarea durante dos horas.)
(Resumen)- The present perfect continuous is formed with "have/has been" followed by the verb in gerund form (-ing).(El presente perfecto continuo se forma con "have/has been" seguido del verbo en forma de gerundio (-ando/-iendo).)
- It's used to talk about actions that started in the past and continue to the present, as well as for recent actions with current relevance.(Se usa para hablar de acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente, así como para acciones recientes con relevancia actual.)
- The negative form is constructed by adding "not", and questions invert the order of the subject and auxiliary.(La forma negativa se construye agregando "not", y las preguntas invierten el orden del sujeto y el auxiliar.)
- Key words like "since", "for", "lately", and "recently" are common with this tense.(Palabras clave como "since", "for", "lately" y "recently" son comunes con este tiempo verbal.)